am not blaming u love
i just hate coz am missing u so much
desperately wanna see u
so it's hurt each time i hear ur voice
am not angry
i just hurt
am sorry
i love u
Walk down the street and compare yourself to that girl?
The one with the
You know, the one that all the other girls wish to be like. The one all the guys wan to be with?
How easy is it for us to compare ourselves to these girls?
But when you see a Muslim woman in proper hijab, you don’t notice her waist, bust, bum, arms, neck, legs, abs. You don’t notice any of those traits. All you notice is her covering. You may notice her personality in the way she walks,the way she talks, the way she is.
She’s the one that all the girls wish they were like; because they’re respected for more than what she looks like. She’s respected for what she is.
A woman of God.
& it’s not to say that the woman who doesn’t properly wear Hijab is not a woman of God, that’s not the point at all. The point is that this woman is following the obligation of Allah swt in that aspect; of covering herself.
You may be a woman of God in many ways; in prayers, in fasting, in giving charity. But shouldn’t you be a woman of God in all the ways, including covering yourself for His sake?